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Writer's pictureMuskrat Watershed Council

News Release: Excitement in the Air for Muskrat Watershed Council

The Muskrat Watershed Council (MWC is based in Cobden, ON) is elated to be the recipient of a grant from the Great Lakes Local Action Fund. The Ontario government has selected 44 projects to receive this funding, which supports local projects. These projects are led by community-based organizations, municipalities, conservation authorities and Indigenous communities and organizations across Ontario, from Ottawa to Thunder Bay. Projects were selected following a competitive review process. A micro-grant from Watersheds Canada, Canadian Wildlife Federation and Love Your Lake was also received for this project.

What has the MWC excited is the project itself. Who doesn’t love a boots-on-the-ground, hands- in the- dirt kind of job? During this project, two local farms will have fencing put up to keep cattle out of waterways and an alternative watering source put in place. This will be greatly beneficial for both animal health and our water quality. It is a win-win for the community and farmers. But that is not all. The agricultural streambank at these farms; and at a third farm property; will also receive rehabilitation with native plants and shrubs. A soil testing/workshop will be conducted for at least 5 local farmers. All this great work is slated to be completed by late fall of this year.

If you or your local organization would like to lend a hand planting this fall, in late October or early November, the Muskrat Watershed Council would love to have your help. This is a great way for high school students to get some community volunteer hours. Drop us a quick email at and express your interest. What better way to help your community and planet breathe a little deeper and to make the water a little clearer?

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